
Software Freedom Day 2020

VGLUG is one of the Linux user group meant only for sharing their knowledge to others. I am one of the volunteer in vglug. Actually I am proud to say that I have contributed for SFD 2020 as a volunteer in vglug. I thank each and everyone who gave me such an awesome opportunity to be a volunteer in vglug. I have never come across like this.    Each and every year vglug will celebrate software freedom day in the month of September in a grand manner, but this year due to this pandemic COVID-19 vglug never failed to celebrate this, they planned to celebrate virtually and the SFD 2020 went well on September 20 from 10 am - 3.30 pm. There were 10 stalls in which each stall containing two vglug volunteers to share about the free softwares. Here I have to say that without vglug volunteers this event wouldn't be successful. I thank each and every volunteers who took effort and made this event a grand success. VGLUG members proved that everything is possible and they made Villupuram pro...

Pyramid pattern

Pyramid pattern using for number n=int(input("enter n") for i in range(0,n):     for j in range(0,n-i-1):        print(end=" ")     for j in range(0,i+1):         print("*",end=" ") print()

Bubble Sort

Sort the given numbers using bubble sort Input:    How many numbers you have to sort     n=4 input=[78,54,66,70,77] , Output:       sorted array is:         54 66 70 77 78 Program:  n = int (input()) list=[] for i in range(n):        k=int (input())        list . append(k) for i in range(len (list) ):           for j in range(0, len (list)-i-1):            if list[j] > list[j+1]:                 list[j].list[j+1]=list[j+1].list[j] print("Sorted array is:") for I in range(len(list)):         printf(list[i],ends=" ")


Find the factorial for given number using python Input:      given number is 8 Output:       output is 40320 def fact(n): if n == 1: return n; else: return n * fact(n-1) print(fact(4))


Swap the two file lines from one to one using python Input:      create two txt files Output:      interchange the lines of two file.(i.e.)sample txt file lines is stored to sample2.txt file Program: a=open("sample.txt") x=a . read() print(x) a . close() b=open("sample2 . txt") y=b . read() print(y) b . close() c=open("sample . txt" , "w") c=write(y) print(c) c . close() d=open("sample2 . txt" , "w") d . write(x) print(d) d . close()